What to do when you get stuck in your creative practice


Have you ever experienced getting stuck in your creative practice? Maybe you feel out of new ideas or maybe you’ve been taking some time off and are having trouble getting into the groove of creating again? Read on for a personal tips that I use when I feel stuck.

Having a regular creative practice can be challenging. It’s only natural that you now and then will feel stuck. Actually I see it as a part of the process of growing. And many times it might even turn out that getting stuck was needed to grow and become better at a certain skill or just your creativity in general.

There are many tips that I could share that I do when I feel stuck, but today I’ll share one of them that I feel is so important for growth and fulfilment in my creative practice.

So what is the tips?

To learn something new!

One of the ways that helps me when I feel stuck in my creativity is to take a step back from what I’m suppose to do and learn something new. And to do so without the pressure of that I need to create something special out of the new skill that I learn or that it needs to be productive.

Usually I go to my number one source of online courses, Skillshare , and look at a short class where I for example learn to draw in a new style.

When I release the pressure that what I create needs to become something and just embrace the learning practice, I loosen up.

To never stop learning is such an important part for me in my creativity and business. In fact I spend quite a lot of money every year on learning new skills. Mostly online courses, classes and memberships that I feel will help me grow as a creative and an entrepreneur. I see it as a must in my business.

At Skillshare I’m both a teacher and a student. At the moment I have made and published 11 classes, within surface pattern design, ready to be watched.

If you’re interested in learning more about that you can CHECK OUT ALL OF MY CLASSES HERE >>>

AND if you have no idea what Skillshare then you will get 2 months of free premium membership if you click on this link >>>


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