Learn how to design, build and pitch a powerful portfolio that attracts your dream clients

Have you heard that you need a portfolio for your artwork, but don’t even know where to start? How to build it? Show it? Share it? Pitch it?

I’m super excited to introduce the Powerful Portfolios Workshop. This is a 3-day live event that me and Liz Kohler Brown have dreamed up together, that includes everything you need to know to plan, build and pitch your portfolio.

In the Powerful Portfolios Workshop you’ll get to hear real-life examples of how successful artists used their portfolios to build their impressive art licensing careers. You’ll learn how to find and define your style and industry, and how to successfully pitch your portfolio to the companies you’re dying to work with. We will talk about what to include in your portfolio, how to present and market your artwork, including which online platform to use and how to drive traffic to your site.

Ready to get starstruck?
So are we.

In this workshop we have invited some of our favorite artists and designers, with clients like Target, Cloud9, and Anthropologie, to share their stories and knowledge about building and sharing their powerful portfolios. How did they do it? What are their best tips and practices? Learn this and much more in the inspiring and educational presentations by our guest artists

The Powerful Portfolios Workshop is a live event that takes place January 17th-19th hosted by me and Liz Kohler Brown, and featuring 8 guest artists who have had their art licensed all over the world. Ready to take your portfolio to the next level?


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